Work Packages

Work Package 1
Coordination and Management

Lead BeneficiaryRijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Start Month 1
End Month 36
Objectives To coordinate, administer and manage the various project activities in order to ensure that they are carried out effectively and successfully

The coordinator will be responsible for the project coordination and administration and will ensure that the project will be carried out within the scope, planning and budget while guaranteeing the quality of the deliverables and the overall project result. The coordinator will be assisted by an experienced project manager and the institutional project support office.

  • Task 1.1 Project Start-up (M1-M3)
  • Task 1.2 Coordinating and Leading the Steering Committee (M1-M36)
  • Task 1.3 Scientific and Operational Management (M1-M36)
  • Task 1.4 Relations with European Commission (M1-36)
  • Task 1.5 Quality Assurance (M1-M36)
  • Task 1.6 Management of Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights Issues (M1-M36)
  • Task 1.7 Project Financial Administration (M1-M36)
  • Task 1.8 Compliance with Relevant Data Protection Regulation (M1-M36)
DeliverablesWP1 Deliverables

Work Package 2
Actors, Systems, Processes, Policies in Disaster Management

Lead BeneficiaryUniversita Degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI)
Start Month 1
End Month 12
Objectives To produce a comprehensive overview for all partner countries that includes the identification of categories of actors and different processes in disaster management, as well as the different national/regional policies for different types of disasters and the different stages of disaster management (preparedness, response, recovery) - for all tasks, specific focus will be placed on identifying wherever cultural aspects are taken into consideration by actors, systems, processes, or policies
Tasks The activities of this WP will address the need to carry out a comprehensive overview of categories of actors and different processes in disaster management, as well as the different national/regional policies for different types of disasters and the different stages of disaster management (preparedness, response, recovery).
  • Task 2.1 Actors in Disaster Management (M1-M6 and ongoing)
  • Task 2.2 Systems and Processes in Disaster Management (M1-M8)
  • Task 2.3 Policies in Disaster Management (M2-M10)
  • Task 2.4 Synthesis and Gap Analysis (M8-M12)
DeliverablesWP2 Deliverables

Work Package 3
Cultural Factors and Technologies

Lead BeneficiaryEuro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC)
Start Month 6
End Month 12
Objectives To better understand the use of technologies by citizens from disaster preparation to disaster recovery, how these technologies are adopted or not by different groups in the population, the influence of cultural factors in this context, and how professionals could make better use of these technologies in disaster mitigation
Tasks Existing desk studies, case studies, and empirical studies will be used to explore and evaluate how technologies can contribute to a disaster management that respects the cultural uniqueness of individuals and communities, but can also benefit from these cultural differences, resulting in hazard-specific services or applications that transcend national, geographical, and cultural “borders”.
  • Task 3.1 Technology Use and Cultural Factors (M6-M15)
  • Task 3.2 Identification of Best and Emerging Practices (M11-M20)
  • Task 3.3 Testing Best Practices: the Case of Earthquake (M17-M26)
DeliverablesWP3 Deliverables

Work Package 4
Risk Perception and Risk Cultures

Lead BeneficiaryUniversitet u Novom Sadu (UNS)
Start Month 1
End Month 14
Objectives To provide a broad multi-disciplinary overview of existing knowledge about the individual and cultural factors that may shape and influence citizens’ risk perceptions in the context of man-made, natural and technical disasters, and to establish a sound theoretical basis for improving disaster policies and procedures that take into account cultural factors and their effects on the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural aspects of disaster preparedness, response, and recovery
Tasks This review will establish a clear overarching terminology that distinguishes between the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components of these factors, and provides a sound theoretical basis which will be of benefit to CARISMAND partners as well as other researchers, and to disaster managers for improving the respective policies and procedures. The WP will additionally explore the possibilities to transform emotions related to citizens’ risk perceptions into active behaviour, e.g. through the role of an “affective rationality” that combines fast instinctive and intuitive reactions with logic and reason in disaster situations that will be, often, beyond the victims’ experience.
  • Task 4.1 Concepts of Risk Perception in the Context of Disasters (M1-M10)
  • Task 4.2 Exploring Local “Risk Cultures” (M4-M14)
DeliverablesWP4 Deliverables

Work Package 5
Design of Citizen Summits, Collation & Analysis of Citizens Attitudes towards Disaster risks, Analysis of Stakeholder Discussions

Lead BeneficiaryUniversita ta Malta (UOM)
Start Month 1
End Month 36
Objectives To design the content, structure, and methodology to be used for each of the six Citizen Summits, collate and analyse the citizens’ reactions and opinions collected in each of the Citizen Summits, and analyse the content of three Stakeholder Assembly discussions
Tasks WP5 will provide the general structural and organisational design of the six Citizen Summits, i.e. defining locations, participant numbers, demographic structure of the audience to be representative of the diverse nature (e.g., age, gender, cultural factors) of the community, and the type and mix of presentations and moderated discussions groups including the form of media and technologies used for these purposes (e.g., video presentations, immediate feedback through mobile phone apps, recording of discussions). WP5 will also undertake a comprehensive analysis of the citizens’ reactions and opinions, using a multi-disciplinary approach which applies both quantitative as well as qualitative methodologies; as well as an in-depth analysis of the recorded Stakeholder Assembly discussions, using a qualitative approach, in particular discourse analysis and grounded theory. The results will directly feed into the briefs prepared by WP11 for the next Citizen Summits.
  • Task 5.1 Design of structure and methodology for Citizen Summits (M1-M6)
  • Task 5.2 Definition of content of Citizen Summits (M4-M25)
  • Task 5.3 Collation and analysis of citizens’ reactions and opinions (M10-M36)
  • Task 5.4 Analysis of Stakeholder Assembly discussions (M10-M36)
DeliverablesWP5 Deliverables

Work Package 6
Citizens Rights

Lead BeneficiaryGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitaet Hannover (LUH)
Start Month 1
End Month 33
Objectives To review the legal situation of citizens in disaster situations, in particular regarding human rights, privacy rights, and any form of cultural rights (e.g. protection of minorities) and to explore how these rights, in particular cultural rights, are being implemented
Tasks This WP will provide a detailed analysis of existing European protection mechanisms for fundamental rights in disaster situations and an analysis of existing national protection mechanisms for fundamental rights, their limitations and their interdependencies in disaster situations in all national legislations analysed in WP2. It will further create a framework matrix showing how different countries provide for salient cultural aspects and issues under their laws and will evaluate existing privacy by design and privacy by default-approaches in disaster management delivering a set of legal and technical recommendations on how to strengthen citizens’ privacy rights in daily routines without putting efficiency of disaster management mechanisms at risk.
  • Task 6.1 Analysis of European Fundamental Rights in Disaster Situations (M1-M8)
  • Task 6.2 National Legal Framework of Disaster Management (M3-M10)
  • Task 6.3 Cultural Issues in Disaster Management in Selected European States (M11-M25)
  • Task 6.4 Privacy Friendly Disaster Management (M21-M33)
DeliverablesWP6 Deliverables

Work Package 7
Citizens Empowerment

Lead BeneficiaryLaboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza (LSC)
Start Month 1
End Month 31
Objectives To analyse the possibilities and current practices of how cultural aspects can enhance the ability of citizens and communities to prepare themselves, respond efficiently and accelerate recovery processes, provide recommendations for disaster managers how cultural values can be used in their day-to-day practice for enhancing citizen empowerment
Tasks This WP will carry out a literature review on general community empowerment concepts and a review of state-of-the-art community empowerment practices, paying specific attention to practices of citizens’ empowerment in at least 25 communities prone to man-made and natural hazards, and in particular to eventual community empowerment practices that have already implemented in those cities involved in CARISMAND. It will focus on how different socio-economic and environmental contexts influence such practices; the possibilities and current practices of how cultural factors can enhance the ability of citizens and communities to prepare themselves, respond efficiently and accelerate recovery processes; and will develop a set of recommendations for disaster managers on how cultural values can be used in their day-to-day practice for enhancing citizen empowerment.
  • Task 7.1 Literature Review and State of the Art Review on Community Empowerment Concepts and Practices (M9-M17)
  • Task 7.2 Empowerment in Socio-economic and Environmental Contexts (M14-M23)
  • Task 7.3 Empowerment and Cultural Aspects (M14-M23)
  • Task 7.4 Synthesis and Recommendations (M20-M31)
DeliverablesWP7 Deliverables

Work Package 8
Risk Communication and the Role of the Media in Risk Communication

Lead BeneficiaryAcademia Nationala de Informati Mihai Viteazul (MVNIA)
Start Month 1
End Month 24
Objectives To explore the extent to which the effect of culturally-informed risk perception is known and taken into consideration by disaster managers in their risk communication and how – in turn – their own cultures influence the effectiveness of disaster preparedness, response, and recovery
Tasks The focus of the research will be on risk communication practices that are not only designed for and based on single disaster phases, but also allow for learning and adaptation between disaster risk cycles in an iterative process between individuals, communities, and professional disaster managers, and to what extent such evaluation incorporates the local relationships between organisational, social, and cultural structures. In addition, the WP will explore case studies where the media were considered to have had a negative impact on disaster response and recovery, as well as cases where effective working relationships between disaster management organisations and the mainstream media were established.
  • Task 8.1 Risk Communication Models and Best Practices (M2-M12)
  • Task 8.2 The Role of the Media in Risk Communication (M10-M24)
DeliverablesWP8 Deliverables

Work Package 9

Lead BeneficiaryFundatia Pentru SMURD (SMURD)
Start Month 1
End Month 36
Objectives To provide a formal set of recommendations for stakeholders at all levels that include the implementation and/or improvement of policies and guidelines, educational measures, and a roadmap for further knowledge transfer activities
To develop a comprehensive “cultural map” for formal and “informal” disaster managers as well as for interested citizens which will be available online, downloadable, and adaptable to their individual or institutional needs
  • Task 9.1 Evolutionary Design of Toolkit (M1-M10)
  • Task 9.2 Creation of Toolkit for Disaster Stakeholders (M11-M35)
  • Task 9.3 Mapping Culture (M12-M35)
DeliverablesWP9 Deliverables

Work Package 10
Dissemination, Communication, Event Organisation

Lead BeneficiaryLIBRe Foundation (LIBRe)
Start Month 1
End Month 36
Objectives To facilitates the dissemination of information about the CARISMAND Project and its results
Tasks The aim of the WP is to elaborate an effective communication and dissemination strategy engaging a broad set of stakeholders and citizens, and ensuring the “corporate identity” of CARISMAND. This WP will also be responsible for all logistics associated with and knowledge transfer throughout the Citizen Summits and Stakeholder Assemblies, maintaining a consistently high qualitative level of organization and keeping it across the entire project cycle.
  • Task 10.1 Project Website (M1-M3)
  • Task 10.2 Communication and Dissemination Strategy (M1-M36)
  • Task 10.3 Establishment of Communication and Dissemination Tools (M1-M36)
  • Task 10.4 Organisation of Citizen Summits and Stakeholder Assemblies - Cycles 1, 2 and 3 (M1-M36)
  • Task 10.5 Final Conference (M30-M36)
DeliverablesWP10 Deliverables

Work Package 11
Synthesis of WP2–WP8. Preparation of Briefs for Citizen Summits & Stakeholder Assemblies

Lead BeneficiaryLaw and Internet Foundation (LIF)
Start Month 1
End Month 36
Objectives To prepare briefs to be discussed during both the six Citizen Summits and the three Stakeholder Assemblies
  • Task 11.1 Synthesis of On-going Results from WP2-WP4 and WP6-WP8 (M1-M8, and ongoing)
  • Task 11.2 Iterative Synthesis of Results from Citizen Summits and Stakeholder Assemblies and Preparation of Briefs (M5-M33)
  • Task 11.3 Overall Synthesis of WP2-WP8 (M30-M36)
DeliverablesWP11 Deliverables

Work Package 12
Internal Evaluation

Lead BeneficiaryConsiglio Nazionale delle Recerche (CNR)
Start Month 1
End Month 36
Objectives To develop and implement an evaluation plan and to coordinate the internal evaluation of the major results of the CARISMAND project
  • Task 12.1 Develop an Internal Evaluation Plan and Evaluation Criteria (M1-M6)
  • Task 12.2 Carry out Internal Evaluation (M1-M36)
DeliverablesWP12 Deliverables

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