CARISMAND Toolkit Progress

CARISMAND project aims to provide multidisciplinary insight and practical guidelines to policy makers, disaster managers, community leaders, NGOs, citizens, and other stakeholders on the issues of mitigation, preparedness, response to disasters and after-crisis recovery which are inevitably influenced by the cultural background of individuals and the community they live in.

On 23 and 24 January 2017 a dedicated group of experts within the CARISMAND project gathered in Rome to implement the project results and knowledge gained up to this point into the development of the Toolkit and Cultural Map. Partners discussed the structure of the two products, the terminology and topics to be considered, the relation between the Toolkit and existing policies, guidelines, industry standards, roadmaps, etc., as well as related questions which have derived during the CARISMAND project implementation.

The CARISMAND Toolkit and Cultural Map are valuable resources that are being developed throughout the project life time and will be made available by the end of the project period. They will help in raising cultural awareness, promote culturally informed best-practices, and support citizens in exploring their individual and communal cultural strengths in the preparation for, response to, and recovery from disasters.

The Toolkit is to provide a formal set of recommendations for stakeholders at all levels that include recommendations for the implementation and/or improvement of policies and guidelines, educational measures, and a roadmap for further knowledge transfer activities; while the Cultural Map is being tailored to assist formal and “informal” disaster managers as well as interested citizens and will be available online, downloadable, and adaptable to the users’ individual or institutional needs.

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