CARISMAND’s Next Round of Citizen Summits

The next round of CARISMAND Citizen Summits is just a few days ahead.

On 17 June 2017 residents from Rome will gather at CARISMAND Third Citizen Summit to discuss on a number of topics related to different types of disasters relevant for the region, with focus on particular aspects that affect culturally informed disaster risk perceptions. These topics will be then brought to Frankfurt for a Fourth Citizen Summit on 24 June 2017 where the event will be held in the same format, with exercises adapted for the local disaster risks.

The Citizen Summits are structured in a way that encourages participants to take an active part by having both interactive presentations and small group discussions (with up to 12 people in a group). Participants’ feedback is essential for further development of CARISMAND Stakeholder Assemblies with practitioners and disaster managers, reflecting on the information collected from the Citizen Summits.

The attendees will be also presented with the key findings from CARISMAND Work Packages 2 to 8 which are focused on different aspects of disaster management, culture, risk perception, the role of technologies, and citizens’ rights and empowerment. (Find summaries of the corresponding deliverables here)

The First Citizen Summit was held in Bucharest, Romania (9 July 2016), while the Second one took place in Malta (16 July 2016).

Follow the CARISMAND News and Views Section for updates on this year’s Citizen Summits.


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