Municipality of Florence's Civil Protection Department organized a drill exercise at Amerigo Vespucci Airport on the good practices to be followed by citizens in case of a disaster. The event addressed both Florentine and foreign citizens – guests of the city, and took place on 10-11 July 2018 at Florence's airport.
The exercise was an opportunity to test the local procedures, communication processes and collaborations between the various stakeholders involved.In addition to Municipality of Florence's Civil Protection Department team, the airport staff, the 118 staff and firefighters, a total of 43 volunteers (i.e. AEOP, ANA, ATAPC, Cerchio Blu, Cisom, Croce Rossa Italiana, Misericordia di Firenze, Misericordia di Rifredi, Misericordia di Settignano, Misericordia di Varlungo, NOPC, Prociv Arci Croce Viola Firenze, RAF, TLC, Unuci) participated in drill, playing the role of figures and psychological support.
Such activities are closely related to the CARISMAND activities and findings as they show how knowledge of specific cultural factors' influence on people can affect in practice the disaster management processes.
More information about the event and videos from the day can be found here.
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