Continuing Work on CARISMAND Toolkit in Vienna

CARISMAND Toolkit and Cultural Map are key outputs of the project implementation. They will provide formal and “informal” disaster managers as well as interested citizens with recommendations and practical guidelines for incorporating the knowledge on citizens’ cultural specifics into disaster preparedness, crisis response and recovery.

The products will be made available online, downloadable, and adaptable to the individual or institutional needs of the stakeholders.

The development of CARISMAND Toolkit is undertaken by SMURD Foundation, leader of Work Package 9, and supported by all project partners. The Workshop consisted of a series of brainstorming sessions and was joined by 15 team members who contributed for the advance of the Toolkit development by sharing most recent research results, observations, and recommendations.

Follow CARISMAND News page for updates on the Toolkit development and other related information.

CARISMAND Toolkit Workshop, 15-16 May 2017, Vienna
CARISMAND Toolkit Workshop, 15-16 May 2017, Vienna

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