The Overseas Development Institute (ODI)* has published their last ‘Resilience Scan’ (July-September 2016) which summarises writing and debates in the field of resilience during the third quarter of 2016, focussing primarily on the context of developing countries, gender equality and resilience. According to expert opinion in the scan, there is growing evidence of connection between the promotion of gender equality and the improving state of resilience, including disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. However, organisations working on development projects are seen to experience difficulties in discussing these intersections in practice and how they are related.
The report comprises insights on the key international policy processes in 2016, analysis of Twitter activity on resilience, and summaries of high-impact grey literature and academic journal articles. Key findings and recommendations are extracted from each of these sources on the topics of climate and disaster resilience, food security resilience, conflict and migration resilience. The final chapter synthesises the insights from literature in terms of five characteristics of resilience:
- Awareness
- Diversity
- Self-regulation
- Integration
- Adaptiveness
Find the full text of the July-September 2016 resilience scan here.
Credits: Tanner, T., Lovell, E., Weingärtner, L., Batra, P., Pichon, F., Morsi, H., Le Masson, V., Lim, S., Casey, J. and McQuistan, C (2016) 'Resilience Scan July-September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience'. London: ODI.
* The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is the UK's leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues.