Cultural Factors and Citizen Empowerment

Cultural Factors and Citizen Empowerment

In November 2017, the Work Package 7 'Citizens’ Empowerment' Team, led by LSC, finalized their work on investigating theoretical and actual ways of empowering citizens and communities throughout... | See more

Risk Cultures in the Context of Disasters - Updates

Risk Cultures in the Context of Disasters - Updates

The end of 2017 also brought us updates of the multi-disciplinary overviews of the existing knowledge about the individual and cultural factors that may shape and influence citizens’ risk perceptions in the context of man-made, natural and technical disasters, provided by the University of Novi Sad. | See more

Linkages between Empowerment Practices and Specific Socio-economic and Environmental Contexts

Linkages between Empowerment Practices and Specific Socio-economic and Environmental Contexts

The LSC Team has tried to identify from the literature review and from the analysis of 25 practices of people empowerment in Europe (plus some other practices elsewhere), the social, economic and environmental factors that can affect empowerment processes related to disaster management. Their work resulted in identifying 76 factors related to 11 categories. | See more

Synthesis of CARISMAND Results - New Updates

Synthesis of CARISMAND Results - New Updates

Fourth Content Matrix Update and a new Stakeholder Assembly Brief are available towards the advancing of the CARISMAND Toolkit and Cultural Map development. | See more

International Training Course “Climate Service for Disaster Prevention”

International Training Course “Climate Service for Disaster Prevention”

A training course on the topic of “Climate Service for Disaster Prevention” is taking place in Florence, Italy, from 20 November until 01 December 2017. The course is part of the Project Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction training program, that aims at reducing the impacts of natural disasters and climate change on the agricultural sector in West Africa. | See more

rescEU: a New European System to Tackle Natural Disasters

rescEU: a New European System to Tackle Natural Disasters

The European Commission revealed ambitious new plans to strengthen Europe's ability to deal with natural disasters. The EU's Civil Protection Mechanism is currently based on a voluntary system, through which the EU coordinates the voluntary contributions of participating states to a country that has requested assistance. | See more

CARISMAND Third Toolkit Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria

CARISMAND Third Toolkit Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria

The CARISMAND Project partners gathered in Sofia for the third workshop on the development of the key outcomes of the project: CARISMAND Toolkit and CARISMAND Cultural Map, on November 10, 2017. | See more

Meeting of the CARISMAND Project Partners in Sofia, Bulgaria

Meeting of the CARISMAND Project Partners in Sofia, Bulgaria

On November 9, 2017, the CARISMAND project partners gathered in Sofia for the fourth consecutive operational meeting of the Consortium. | See more

CARISMAND @ the Intelligence in the Knowledge Society International Conference

CARISMAND @ the Intelligence in the Knowledge Society International Conference

CARISMAND team members took part in the Intelligence in the Knowledge Society International Conference, which was organized by “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy through its National Institute for Intelligence Studies. The Conference was held on October 26-27 in Bucharest, Romania. | See more

“Corri nei Nostri Parchi” (Run in our Parks)

“Corri nei Nostri Parchi” (Run in our Parks)

Awareness activities by the Civil Protection of Municipality of Florence, 29.10.2017 | See more

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