The Steering Committee is planned to meet no less than once a year and more often, if matters arising from individual work packages or the project plan mean than an extraordinary meeting should be convened.

2018, September, Final Steering Committee Meeting Top

20-21 September 2018

The CARISMAND project partners gathered in Florence, Italy, for the last operational meeting of the Consortium.

The meeting aimed at implementing the very final steps towards achieving the project results promised, discussing any issues that have arised during the course of the summer, and preparing the team for the closure of the project. Key result of the meeting was the adoption of the CARISMAND Toolkit sustainability plan, as SMURD Foundation, one of the partners representing the disaster management community in the project, will take over the Toolkit after the official end in September 2018.

35 representatives of partner organizations in CARISMAND took part in the meeting.

2018, May, Steering Committee Meeting Top

31 May - 01 June 2018

CARISMAND's fifthth Steering Committee Meeting was held in Bucharest, Romania.

The meeting aimed to track the progress of the project, discuss issues arising from the work on the individual work packages for the past 6 months, and prepare the team for the upcoming milestones in the implementation of CARISMAND.

The team also made progress in developing the key outcomes of the project: the CARISMAND Toolkit and the CARISMAND Cultural Map and discussed the overall framework for the final project (Rome, September 2018).

The meeting was attended by 25 team members.

2017, November, Steering Committee Meeting Top

9 November 2017

CARISMAND's fourth Steering Committee Meeting was held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The meeting aimed to track the progress of the project, discuss issues arising from the work on the individual work packages for the past 6 months, and prepare the team for the upcoming milestones in the implementation of CARISMAND.

The meeting precedes the launch of the third cycle of public events (the third Stakeholder Forum, Lisbon, 30-31 January 2018, the Fifth Public Meeting with Citizens, Lisbon, 12 April 2018 and the Sixth Public Debate with Citizens, Utrecht, 14 May 2018), which will take place during the first half of 2018.

The team also made progress in developing the key outcomes of the project: the CARISMAND Toolkit and the CARISMAND Cultural Map and discussed the overall framework for the final project (Rome, September 2018).

The meeting was attended by 28 team members.

2017, June, Steering Committee Meeting Top

5-6 June 2017

CARISMAND's third Steering Committee Meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium.

The meeting aimed to monitor the project progress, discuss on any matters arising from individual work packages, and prepare for the milestones to come. This Steering Committee Meeting preceded the two Citizen Summits on 17 June 2017 (in Rome) and 24 June 2017 (in Frankfurt). Final matters on the organisation of the events were discussed.

Furthermore, the project team advanced also on the development of CARISMAND Toolkit and Cultural Map – key outputs of the project.

The meeting was attended by 23 team members.

2016, October, Steering Committee Meeting Top

26-27 October 2016

In October 2016 CARISMAND project entered into its second year of implementation and partners gathered to discuss on what have been achieved up to this point and on future implementation of the project.

The Second Steering Committee Meeting within the project is being held in Malta on 26-27 October 2016 and sees the participation of more than 35 project members. The host organisation - University of Malta, is welcoming the team members in the picturesque town of Floriana situated just outside the capital Valetta.

The meeting covers introduction of new team members, brief overview of the project progress between last SCM in April 2016 and 1 October 2016, as well as the individual state of each work package presented by work package leaders.

2016, April, Steering Committee Meeting Top

11-13 April 2016

Internal consortium meetings and on-site visits engaged more than 35 members of the project throughout the three days of the events took place in Bucharest, Romania in April 2016. After six months of the project start, partners gathered for an overview of the progress in each work-package, discussions on any questions deriving in the process, introduction of new members, one-to-one meetings, and networking opportunities.

The specific aim of CARISMAND dealing with issues of preparedness, response to disasters and after-crisis recovery in the context of culture required also on-site experience from the perspective of local institutions – actors in disaster management. On 11th April team members visited the Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the headquarters of the Special Telecommunications Service, including the 112 unit, and the Floreasca Hospital Emergency Unit. The on-site visits were kindly hosted by the Romanian partners in the project - SMURD Foundation, “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA), and the Romanian Special Telecommunications Service (STS).

12th and 13th April were busy days of full-day meetings led by the project coordinator Prof Dr Joe Cannataci, University of Groningen (RUG). The project coordination team and work-package leaders reported on the status of their activities with particular focus on:

  • Work carried out so far
  • Activities or pressing issues to report on
  • Concerns, if any
  • Questions for the consortium
  • List of upcoming tasks and deliverables and expected contribution from other partners

Furthermore, updates on CARISMAND dissemination and communication strategy were presented as well as the evaluation report on the Kick-off meeting held in October in Groningen, the Netherlands.

A special section in the agenda was dedicated to the updates and pre-event arrangements on CARISMAND First Stakeholder Assembly which also took place in Bucharest in the following days (14-15 April) and was themed “Disaster, Communication, and Cultures”.

2015, October, Kick-off Meeting Top

8-9 October 2015

On 8th and 9th of October 2015 the CARISMAND project held its Kick-Off Meeting in Groningen, Netherlands. During the meeting the CARISMAND partners discussed and approved a number of items including project plan implementation issues and outlined the dissemination and evaluation strategy and criteria.

Host of the event was the University of Groningen – project co-ordinating institution of CARISMAND.

The Managing Director of the Faculty of Law at the University of Groningen took part in the event as a special guest and expressed her great satisfaction of the well-established relationships between the project partners, the friendly environment during the meeting and the high level of expertise presented.

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