14 - 15 April 2016

First Stakeholder Assembly 2016

The main purpose of the first Stakeholder Assembly is to get together disaster managers, policy makers, community leaders alongside operation officers and practitioners in the field of disaster management, to set and discuss different topics and issues concerning the cultural factors that may shape and influence citizens’ risk perceptions, emotions and risk behaviour in the context of man-made, natural and technical disasters, and to potentially identify best-practice examples in culturally-aware disaster management.

Resume Top

A CARISMAND stakeholder conference on “Disaster, Communication, and Cultures” took place in Bucharest, Romania, on the 14th and 15th April, 2016. This was the first of the three Stakeholder Assemblies planned as part of CARISMAND.

The CARISMAND stakeholder conference in Bucharest gathered local professionals and representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Gendarmerie, the Bucharest Prefecture, Special Telecommunications Service (STS), Romanian Red Cross Society, Emergency Mobile Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), the Ambulance service, “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, the National Institute for Earth and Physics, the private sector, non-profit organisations, and the media.

Each of the two days of the event offered a balanced combination of panel discussions with simultaneous translation and working groups held in Romanian allowing participants to share their experience and freely discuss topics related to disaster and risk communication, culture, trust, and other key aspects of the project.

On the first day, the conference delegates were introduced to CARISMAND and then discussed in six working groups a number of topics related to “internal” and “external” risk communication in disaster management, with particular focus on corporate and institutional cultures as well as cultural aspects between disaster managers and citizens. A second round of working groups in the afternoon dealt with the issue of media cultures and the role of “traditional” and social media in risk and disaster communication. These discussions involved disaster managers and practitioners as well as journalists, bloggers and media representatives. Results from the working groups were presented and discussed in plenary sessions.

The afternoon session included CARISMAND’s first keynote speaker, Marco Morabito from the Institute of Biometeorology, National Research Council, Italy, who spoke on communication strategies and informative tools for the mitigation of heatwave effects on vulnerable people.

The first day of the Stakeholder Assembly was concluded with an insight on “How Social Media have been Changing Emergency Management: from Earthquakes to Terrorist Attacks”, presented by the second CARISMAND speaker, Remy Bossu from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre, France.

Following the same format of panel discussions and small-size working groups, the second day of the CARISMAND First Stakeholder Assembly started with a discussion on the role of the media in risk and disaster communication. Participants then proceeded with group sessions focused on the relationships between culture and trust in risk and disaster communication as well as the role of cultural leaders in such communication. Culture, risk, and trust were also the core elements of the afternoon panel discussion.

During the afternoon session, two keynote speakers shared their experience with the audience. First Mr. Radu Magdin from Strategikon, Romania presented concepts and provoked questions in the area of communication and trust.

A final highlight of the event was the speech by Dr. Raed Arafat, Secretary of State within the Ministry of Interior, coordinator of the Department of Emergency Situations, and founder and coordinator of the Emergency Mobile Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD).

The CARISMAND First Stakeholder Assembly took place with the special support of the Romanian partners in the project: SMURD Foundation, “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA), and the Romanian Special Telecommunications Service (STS).

For more information, please feel free to contact us at office@carismand.eu.

Agenda Top

"Disaster, Communication, and Cultures"

Thursday, 14 April 2016

08:30 – 09:30Participant Registration
09:30 – 10:15

Welcome & Project Introduction

10:15 – 12:30*

Working Group 1: “Internal” Risk Communication

Corporate and institutional cultures in disaster management

Working Group 2: “External” Risk Communication

Practical experience of cultural aspects in communication between disaster managers and citizens

12:30 – 13:30Lunch break
13:30 – 14:30Panel Discussion: The Role of Culture in Internal & External Communication
14:30 – 15:00

Communication Strategies and Informative Tools for the Mitigation of Heatwave Effects on Vulnerable People

Marco Morabito, Institute of Biometeorology - National Research Council, Florence, Italy

15:00 – 17:15*

Working groups: Media Cultures: “Traditional” and Social Media in Risk and Disaster Communication

Working Group 3:Perspectives of Disaster Managers and Practitioners

Working Group 4:Perspectives of Journalists, Bloggers and Media Representatives

17:15 – 17:45

How Social Media have been Changing Emergency Management: from Earthquakes to Terrorist Attacks

Remy Bossu, European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Friday, 15 April 2016

08:30 – 09:30 

Participant registration

09:30 – 09:45Welcome
09:45 – 10:45

Panel discussion: The role of the media in risk and disaster communication

10:45 – 12:30*

Working group 5: Culture and Trust in Risk and Disaster Communication

Working group 6: The role of Cultural Leaders in Risk and Disaster Communication
12:30 – 13:30Lunch break
13:30 – 14:00 

Risk Communication and Trust

Radu Magdin, Strategikon, Romania
14:00 – 15:00 Panel discussion: Culture, Risk and Trust
15:00 – 15:30 

Disaster Management and Culture/s in Romania

Dr Raed Arafat, SMURD, Romania
 15:30 – 16:00Conclusion

*All working group sessions include a coffee break of 15 minutes.

Please note that all Working groups will be held in Romanian language. Any presentations in English will be translated simultaneously into Romanian; Panel discussions will be held in Romanian with simultaneous translations into English available.


You could find the Programme in Romanian language here.

Venue Top

The first CARISMAND Stakeholder Assembly will be held in the premises of the Novotel Bucharest City Centre Hotel, Calea Victoriei 37B, 010061 Bucharest, Romania.

This is a non-residential workshop and participants will need to make their own arrangements for accommodation.

Accommodation Top

Novotel Bucharest City Centre Hotel

For your convenience we have pre-negotiated preferential rates with Novotel Bucharest City Centre Hotel valid until 01 March 2016. In order to facilitate the accommodation process, please fill in the hotel registration form and send a scanned copy directly to Novotel Bucharest City Centre Hotel following instructions in the form.

If you choose to proceed booking your accommodation on your own, we could recommend you several other hotels nearby. For more information, please contact us directly at office@carismand.eu.

Travel Top

Novotel Bucharest City Centre Hotel is a contemporary 4-star comfort a few minutes' walk from the Old Town of Bucharest.




  • Take Route 1 south to Bucharest
  • Take Soseaua Ploiesti south, then Kiseleff through Piata Arcul de Triumf
  • Continue on Calea Victoriei until you reach Piata Revolutiei where you will see the National Museum of Art on your right
  • Once there you will see the Novotel Bucharest further along Calea Victoriei on the right hand side

Public City Transport

  • Underground station, lines 69/90/137, station CISMIGIU PARC
  • Metro, line M2, station UNIVERSITATE
  • BUS, lines 69/90/137, station CISMIGIU PARC
  • TRAM, lines 21/5/16, SF.GHEORGHE



Nearby Historic and Entertainment Places

Historic monument

  • ROYAL PALACE: 0.20 km



Special tourist area


Botanical gardens



  • CISMIGIU PARK: 0.80 km
  • HERASTRAU PARK: 4.51 km


  • BANEASA FOREST & ZOO: 10.00 km


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